Jquery Tabs Without Jquery UI

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Here is a compact way to replicate jQuery UI tabs without the UI. I wrote this code to account for unlimited tabs and to create dynamic "selected" class on the clicked item and removes the class when you click on another tab. This lends itself to easier styling of the tabs as well.

Simple Javascript Timer

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This is a simple way to implement a countdown timer with jQuery. I will be working on a feature that says something when the countdown is completed. But for now it just countdowns.

This is counting down until September 1, 2020

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Simple Jquery Ajax Auto Refreshing DIV

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So you have a div that you would like to be up to date on your site without having the page refresh?

This small script will allow you do this. Let's say that you want to show the total number of users on your site as your site is blowing up and you want visitors to see the number grow.
