U Choose Slider Plugin

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This is a WordPress plugin I wrote that stores information about slider images in the database.  It also gives you a template tag that you can use to loop over the images and implement your own JS Slider in your theme.  It has a management page in the wp-admin dashboard so that you can add a title, description, link to follow, image url, and the ability to make it active or inactive.

WP Activate Users

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NOTE: There is currently a bug in a Buddypress MU Installs. It works fine in NON-MU installs of Buddpyress.

This plugin is for BuddyPress and BuddyPress MU Installs and allows you to manually activate users who have not activated their account via the email link. This can be used if the email doesn’t get to the user for any reason…ie spam filtering, email host etc. It places a menu in the Users menu in the wp-admin area of your site.

WP Database Optimizer

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Ever wished that you could take some measure to speed up your Wordpress site? Have you created and deleted a lot of posts as well as experimented with plugins? All these deleted entries leave overhead on the database that should be routinely cleared out. This plugin allows you to have your Wordpress tables to be optimized on a schedule. It uses the Wordpress Database Class to do the work, and you can set the number of days in between optimizations.
