How to Make a Global Friend on BuddyPress

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I was recently working on a BuddyPress site where the site owner wanted everyone who signed up to be a friend of a "support" user. He wanted people to be able to direct message this account, and in this case, he had Comet Chat installed. This meant that if "support" were online, then anyone could chat with support. I dug into the BuddyPress DB to see how friends were enabled and wrote this function that you can put into your themes functions.php to enable.

Welcome Name in Buddypress Admin Bar

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This handy snippet allows you to create a function that can be added as an action to "bp_adminbar_menus" and it will place a "welcome, username" or "welcome, guest" in the admin navbar.  i have a couple of css classes to help style the welcome message so there are no arrows for the menu bar, but you can style it how you like.

WP Activate Users

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NOTE: There is currently a bug in a Buddypress MU Installs. It works fine in NON-MU installs of Buddpyress.

This plugin is for BuddyPress and BuddyPress MU Installs and allows you to manually activate users who have not activated their account via the email link. This can be used if the email doesn’t get to the user for any reason…ie spam filtering, email host etc. It places a menu in the Users menu in the wp-admin area of your site.
